Erudite 3 Column Blogger Template

Erudite is a rather open style blogger template, if you take a look at the demo over here, you will notice the border of the main container vanishing into thin air, which I feel is a problem with the sidebar padding. The image of the car is elegant, which makes it a default contender for an auto blog.
Erudite 3 Column Blogger TemplateBut you can change the image to suit your needs, it provides a nice feed icon that can float links over the header image in a nice opaque container.

This blogger template was originally created by Perfect Blogging and the XML version by Gecko & Fly.

You may face a problem where the sidebar drops down on the addition of a widget, you need to go to the edit html section, expand widget templates and remove this code < name =" 'quickedit'"> from the widget you had just added.

The Erudite blogger template is also available in a two column version.

Download the 3 Column Erudite Template

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